Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cute Blog Award

1. Link back to the person that gave it to you: Michelle at "This brunette speaks", Thanks Michelle!
2. Answer award questions.
3. Tell us something about yourself that you never told on your blog yet.
4. Award as many blogs as you like.
5. Make sure you let those that you awarded know.

Award Questions:

1. What is your go to makeup products? Blush and mascara!!!

2. What's your favorite fashion trend of 2011? That's an easy one, LACE.

3. What's your favorite dessert? Apple pie.

4. Favorite color? Orange and I have no idea why..lol

5. What's your middle name? Delisca

6. What's the last song you listened to? NOFX- One celled creature

7. Cats or dogs? I prefer cats because they are independent.

Tell us something about yourself that you never told us on your blog yet.

Hmm something I haven't told you guys...  I am allergic to hair dye =(

I give this award to EVERYONE who did not receive it yet!! :)

That is all for now,
Thanks for stopping by,
Kisses and fireworks,

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